Lynde Martin Paintings Worth

 Lynde Martin Paintings Worth

Lynde Martin Paintings Worth

Brief Overview of Lynde Martin's Artistic Journey

Linde Martin was a great American master not only because her works are displayed in public museums, universities, churches, famous galleries, notable private collections, or she was featured in books such as Best of Oil Paintings 1996, Best Inspirational of 1997, Who is who in the west 1997/1998, but also because her originality, creativity, style, and experimentation are so visually stunning that they defy contemporary methods of modern abstract painting. Her work is unique, awe-inspiring, and genuinely heartwarming for art lovers in America and around the world, and it will be for many decades to come.

In the words of Linde Martin:

My art has been defined as a palette that the viewer can create and see. The abstract style complements your projections and symbols. You'll see what you need to see in the sweeps, arcs, and shafts of layered color - a woman, a forest fire, a desert canyon, the wheel of time, and even the gods.

Creativity and art, for me, are about sharing. Both the viewer and the painter collaborate to create. When we look into the canvas, we embark on a journey of bravery and surrender. It's the same for me while I'm painting. I give myself to the flow and force of the universe's creative energy, and the work just flows! As adults, our duty or challenge is to find our own limitless creativity and relearn how to see.

I use abstract painting as a language to express our shared experience and to unite us as one. We can recognize the abstraction on the canvas because it exists someplace on Earth. Some people will immediately recognize an abstract picture when they stand in front of it, while others will take longer. They are, of course, perceiving their own unique symbols and visions.

I ask you to enter the canvas and yourself to see and experience all of the wonder, beauty, emotion, and spirit that exists. Even the best art is but a poor replica of the divine; in the end, we must return to the genuine source.


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How can I determine the worth of a painting?

As others have stated, the best approach to evaluate art is to contact a recognized and knowledgeable appraiser who is familiar with the genre and medium of your piece (oil painting, signed etching, watercolor, renaissance master, impressionist, pop art, and so on).

Important Factors to Consider When Pricing Art

Is the artwork unique? (Not a photograph or a print multiple)

Proceed with the other value questions if you are convinced you have an original oil, watercolor, or sculpture - or a signed and/or numbered work by the artist. If you are unclear, we recommend consulting a local frame shop or art gallery to discover whether you have an original work or a reproduction. (We apologize that we are unable to assist with the appraisal of prints, pictures, and reproductions).

What is the size of the artwork, the subject matter, and the year it was created?

The size of an artwork is frequently used to determine its value. Furthermore, certain painters are well known for their work on specific subjects. An artwork may be more valued if it contains vital details. The year the painting was painted is also important since many painters have 'peak' periods when their work is most valuable.

Is the artwork a sculpture?

In addition to looking for a notation of a signature on the work, it is important to note any markings identifying the foundry, and the edition number of the work. All else equal, a sculpture will likely be more valuable if it is one of only 6 casts, as opposed to being one of 600.

What is the artwork's condition?

The condition of your artwork has a big impact on its worth. Look for rips, as well as signs of in-painting or over-cleaning. Was the work relined? Is there water damage or have the colors faded? An ideal circumstance is when an artwork has never been touched up, even if it desperately needs cleaning. You may need the help of a restorer to establish the state of your art, especially if it is an older piece.

What is the Provenance? (For example, ownership history)

Knowing the ownership history and exhibition history of your artwork might increase its worth. The original bill of sale; correspondence about the piece; exhibition stickers attached to the frame; notes by the artist, sometimes found on the back of the work; statements from people who knew the artist or circumstances of the painting are all useful in establishing provenance, or 'history,' of an artwork. These must mention the painting explicitly enough for it to be identified, not in vague or broad words.

Lynde Martin Paintings Worth

Lynde Martin’s paintings can be considered to be enviable masterpieces, each having deep artistic insight and enduring charm. Martin’s artworks, selling at about $4000 are a clear indication of his prowess in the field after attracting collectors around the world. Lynde Martin Paintings Worth brings both intrinsic beauty and enduring value to the sphere of fine art.

Painting, Linde Martin

Lynde Martin Paintings

Lynde Martin Paintings

Hope love and charity, 2000,

48x48" Oil on linen, LM-010

Linde Martin

Welcome home, 1999, Linde Martin

48x48" Oil on linen, LM-017

Linde Martin 1999

Hands to heaven, Linde Martin 1999

48x48" Oil on linen, LM-012

Linde Martin - 1993

The pinnacle, Linde Martin - 1993

48x48" Oil on linen, LM-164

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